Monday, 11 March 2013

Week 7

In our History unit we are looking at the distinction between past, present and future.  The children are encouraged to bring a photo of them in the past.

Can you recognise these babies?

This week your child has a double sided sheet about the history of your family, in particular their school days.  It would be great if you could do this with your child.  They do not need to do the writing but it would be great if they know about the answers.  If you have any relics from your school days or your parents' school days then please consider sending them in to share.  If they are too precious you may prefer to send a photograph.  Maybe you have an old port, readers, books, ink well...

The children are really progressing with their writing.  They are all willing to give it a go.  Some are using environmental print to spell words.  This means they are looking around the room for the words they need and copying them.  All are attempting to sound them out.  Our main focuses are 
giving it a go 
 using a capital letter to begin a sentence 
using a full stop at the end of a sentence
writing more than one sentence
leaving a finger space between words
writing an opinion at the end e.g. I had an exciting weekend.

Here are some examples from today.


  1. Dear Year 1B,
    We are enjoying reading about what you did on your weekends. It sounds as though there is a lot of partying and playing. You should keep these pictures in case YOUR grandchildren ring when you are 70 years old and ask what you did in Year 1! I wonder if they will know what an iPad is?
    And great dancing at the disco!
    Sarah and Tim, Will's Mum and Dad

    1. I have really enjoyed reading about what you do. What lovely writing! Now we think about what we did on the way to school on Monday and there are always so many things to write about!
      Thank you for putting together such a great blog for term 1. Happy Easter Everyone!
      Jane, Leo's Mum


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