Tuesday 20 May 2014


During Science lessons with Miss Hore the children have been busy investigating Earthworms.  They have had the opportunity to touch and feel them and write about them.  This led us to look at the difference between fiction and non fiction texts.  The structural features of a non fiction text that we have identified are - title, contents page, glossary, and labelled diagrams.  The class are confident with      identifying facts and opinions on a range of topics.

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Week 4

Thanks to the parents who have made the time to come and discuss their child's progress with me in an interview this week and last week.  It has been wonderful to have this opportunity to let you know how they are going.

This Friday is the Cross Country Event.  Please make sure your child has suncream already applied before school, a water bottle and hat in addition to lunch that we will eat at school.  They are allowed to wear a coloured shirt to match their house colour and their school shorts.  If you wish to take your child home after the event or keep them with you and supervise them while they watch a sibling run then please come to see me on Friday.  I will need to cross them off my attendance list.  All children in my care are to stay under the house colour tents, not sit with you on the grass area.

This term we have Yoga lessons on Thursdays.  At the end of the lesson the instructor, Beth, gives the child an affirmation card and a note to take home explaining what they did in the lesson.  The lessons are fantastic and teach the children the skills they need to calm down and regulate their own behaviours.

For the next four week we have a Student Teacher, Miss Hore, with us helping and teaching in our class.  She has been last term for individual days observation.  We wish her well on her Practicum and hope she enjoys teaching and learning in 1B. I welcome her help and enthusiasm and extra pair of hands.