My new class has 28 amazing students.
A review of the first three weeks.
We have been working hard establishing our class expectations and routines.
In Maths we have been using our new RoleM program and an assortment of hands on engaging games to consolidate numbers to ten. The class on the whole are very good at counting and sorting collections of objects to ten. We are trying hard to read the names of the numbers also.
The children attend swimming lessons in our school pool on Tuesdays. They are grouped according to their abilities and are learning freestyle, breast stroke and butterfly. After a few tries and some strict routines, all children are now dressed for swimming in less than ten minutes. Don't forget they need - togs, a sun shirt, goggles, cap, towel and thongs or crocs. If they are all named it makes my job a lot easier. Bandaids and hoop earrings are not allowed in the pool.
In English we are learning initial sounds and singing our Jolly Phonics Jingles each morning. We then learn how to correctly form the letter in our red and blue lines book. The class are progressing well with their sight words and have been doing activities with the Golden words. We have some apps on the iPads which are very helpful with remembering these. An app called My Story is very popular and the children have been writing simple sentences with it.
In Religion we have been examining how God want us to behave. So far we have read the Rainbow Fish and The Little Red Hen. Our prayer routine in the morning is established.
Other great things in 1B are our Leap Frog devices, meditation and our Year Five buddies.
More photos can be uploaded as soon as I have all the permission forms back.
I hope you enjoy being a fly on the wall and peeping into our happy classroom.