Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Week 4 and 5


We have been very successful in Maths in the last few weeks learning about addition and patterns.

On the first day of patterning the children created pattern and discovered there was a difference between a pattern and a beautiful design.  A pattern has a part that repeats.  This is known as a repeating element.

Following this success they learnt that you can describe a pattern using the alphabet.  They then went on to make simple ABAB patterns and then more complex assortments - ABCABC, AABBCAABBC and so on.

We have had fun representing addition with a lot of concrete materials and can do turn arounds too!

 At the end of our learning the children demonstrated their learning by working together to make addition chains.

We have been practising counting.  So far we have
counted in 1s to 100
counted in 2s
counted in 5s
counted in 10s
counted backwards in 1s and 10s

There are loads of great You Tube songs that help us.  Some have advertisements that I skip so I cannot    
post those.  You can watch them at home with your children and skip the ads for them.  Our favourite is  
I Can Count to 100 by Harry's Kindergarten.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Week 3

In Maths this term we have been concentrating on the teen numbers.  We have been using a lot of different resources to learn and then consolidate this knowledge such as; games, cutting and pasting and singing.

 We have begun examining addition with simple stories and learning what doubles are.


 We have been so successful we moved to counting to 100 and making numbers with MAB blocks to 100.

 Today the kids were counting stars and I filmed them to show off our learning.


During Religion we have learnt the difference between the Old and New Testament.  Ask your child if they can explain it to you.  We have examined two Old Testament stories - Noah and Creation and looked at some of Jesus' miracles in the New Testament.

Jessie brought in a really long snake skin which we measured.

We have an ant farm as part of our Schoolyard Safari Science unit.  The ants have transported all their dead into the tubes on the ends of the enclosure.  Not sure how many have survived!  Maybe I caught all the old ones ?!?

In English the children have been very busy working on descriptive language and continuing with our Literacy Groups.

Favourite Ipad apps seem to be Bugs with Buttons and Bugs with Numbers.  We have a few new good ones that we use in Maths time.

The children are levelled in reading groups and enjoy Sunshine Online which has great books and activities.  

The Leap Pads have been a great hit with learning and engaging in reading, following directions and solving problems.  Be assured these are educational games.

Silly mixed up sentences are a fun activity.

Writing your sight words in rainbow writing is a great way to learn them.

Leap Frog Tag pens are helping us to listen to fluently read, interesting stories and encouraging children to point to the words.

Labelling pictures is a great way to read, write and learn new vocabulary.

Following a short procedural text gives you a great picture to write about.

The children are so good at phonics now they can independently work in their text.

Making sight words with Scrabble tiles.

Stamping sight words

Happy, engaged learners.